When you find yourself in a situation that requires urgent cash, one of the ways to get some urgent cash is going for a short-term loan. Unlike the standard loans provided by banks, that are paid in several years, short-term loans are payable in a couple of months. However, there are some lenders who allow the short term loans well past the 12 months. If you take a loan repayable in less than 3 months, it is called a payday loan.
Read MoreShort term loans are loans whose terms are relatively short. Usually, such loans are scheduled to be paid back in less than a year. This type of loan has some unique features. Furthermore, the amount involved in this loan is generally small when compared to other types of loans. Common Features of Short Term Loans.
Read MoreYou need cash right away; it is that direct. Maybe a big expense has suddenly popped up, need to clear a bill, relocate for a job, or take advantage of a sweet deal that just went through. If the amount you have is not ample, you will have to get cash from somewhere urgently. Think bad credit loans.
Read MoreWe're an introducer to [lender-site] and not a lender. Rates between 9% APR and 1294% APR - your no obligation quote and APR will be based on your personal circumstances. [lender-site] compares short term loans from over 50 lenders to get you the best APR possible for you. Loan term lengths from 3 to 18 months.
Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyadviceservice.org.uk